Wednesday, November 5, 2008

shiny new president

so....awesome. my vote for president actually worked this time. and also: it wasn't raining and freezing cold for the first election day in a long time! i think that was a sign of the hope that was to come.

in other news, i have a seriously terrible sinus infection. someone punched me in the face, i think. my face kinda feels like i slammed it in a door a few times. and the really fun part is, it's moved into my eye! woooooooooooooooooo. nothing like a weeping eye filled with gunk to spice up an otherwise boring, tedious, and completely uninteresting election day (ha, ha. a joke, for you, my one reader).

so, i broke down and called the doctor, and somehow they diagnosed me over the phone, and i'm going soon to pick up some prescription and eyedrops which i bet will be a ball of laughs. also, i have class tonight, so i'm thinking maybe i'll wear an eyepatch or something, and declare it pirate day.

either that or i'm totally wearing a hat all ghetto-tastic tilted to the side to cover this abomination. here is a graphic re-enactment of my eye's downward spiral, because i won't subject you to the horror that would be an actual picture of it. and plus i don't feel like taking a picture of it. and also plus, the picture i drew is gross enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi there! couldn't find an email on your profile ...

i'll respond here, although it's also unrelated to your post .... I'm doing Cleveland in May ... would love to do Flying Pig, but I have transportation/calendar issues - - do you run?